About Me

Bonney Lake, Washington, United States
Hi, I'm Dan. I am 25 years old and reside in Western Washington. I graduated from White River High School and Seattle University, and now work as an accountant. I have been married for 2 years now to my beautiful wife Serina, and we are the proud parents of our dog Martini. The things that I enjoy the most are spending time with family and friends, sports and fitness, reading, and movies.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tour de Pierce 2008

June 29th was the 2008 Tour de Pierce. I rode it with my friend Bud and his mom Trish. It was a great day for riding. The temp was about 88, and it was gorgeous out. A nice bit of preparation for the big ride in two weeks. It was Bud's first organized ride, and he did really well. The route took us from Puyallup to Sumner, through Orting to Fife, Tacoma, Milton, and back to the Puyallup Fair Grounds. 50 miles of fun and sun. The STP is only ten days away now, and I'm getting really psyched. I'm a little over half way to my goal of raising $1,000 for the Lupus Foundation of America. Thank you all so much for your support and encouragement. It means the world to me that you have helped me support this cause. This weekend I'm getting my last long training rides in over on the east side. Check back in the next couple of weeks to hear about the STP. And please, pass along my website information to anyone who might want to contribute to the LFA. God Bless.

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White River 5K

On June 21st Serina and I ran the White River 5K. It was a day of training off the bike. We both did really well. It was Serina's first ever race, and she finished in 27:45, taking third in her women's division 25-29, 92nd overall. I finished in 22:15, taking third in the men's 25-29 division, 48th overall. And I even won a water bottle. Good times.

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